
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thought for Thursday

I had one of ‘those days’ today. Nothing tragic happened, and I got enough sleep, but it just seemed to be one of ‘those days.’ You know what I am talking about, you wake up, and from the moment you wake up you just don’t feel like yourself. I had my cup of coffee (and it was really good), sat down with Aaron to eat breakfast that my hubby had made. Things were moving along just as they do any other ‘normal’ day. Today I just seemed on edge and a bit irritated, but for no good reason. I tried to make the best of the day. I took the boys to the library and enjoyed several cups of tea. By afternoon, the rain started. This got me thinking of home, Oregon. I was reminiscing of my childhood days playing outside in the rain… making mud pies and perfume out of all my mom’s roses. I started thinking of my dad (who died of pancreatic cancer almost 2 years ago). I started feeling sad.

I decided I would nap when the boys did, so I went up to my bedroom and lay down. It felt good to lie down and rest my body! I woke up to Joshua talking (quite loudly in his room). Brought him downstairs and played with him for awhile. Then I decided to check the mail. There were a few boxes (no fluff), but vitamins for the littles and a box from Oregon, sent by my sister Marla. I knew exactly what it was. I couldn’t wait to open it. My sister had informed me that our mom had given her a sweatshirt that belonged to my dad, and my sister claimed that it smelled like him. I asked her to send it to me, and she did. It was carefully placed in a Ziploc bag in order to preserve the scent. I opened the bag and inhaled through my nostrils as deeply as I could. Searching for the scent that came rushing over me… the scent of my dad! Tears filled my eyes as I buried my face in the sweatshirt.

After a few minutes of sobbing, I gathered myself and became very thankful; thankful that I had received such a priceless gift. Thankful that I was able to capture a moment in which I felt I was in my daddy’s arms once again! Memories flooded my mind and I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed in knowing what an awesome father I had. Thankful that he had spent so much time with me, had taught me right from wrong, and in my opinion did the very best he ever could have when it came to raising us kids.
Thank you Dadzola!
I am glad I had ‘one of those days’ today. It paved the road, prepared my heart to receive that very special blessing!
I hope you all will take a moment today to realize your special blessings. What special blessings you are to your children. Realize how powerful your presence is in their lives. How impressionable they are, and how awesome the footprint is that you are leaving on their hearts.
Take a moment to slow down, and embrace every moment. Sure, we spend a lot of time going through the motions… feeding, cleaning up messes, changing diapers and all those mundane things that parenthood brings. But we also have those everyday moments that bring great impact in the lives of our littles. Embrace those moments, cherish those times and find joy in everything you do!


  1. You can tell we shadow each other because I had a day too. I miss you! I am so glad you got a sweatshirt that was your dads. Miss you!!!
    Love you more bye!

  2. I love you little sisto! I am glad that Dad's sweater helped you remember how special he was! I love you!

  3. I'm a new follower from Happy Tuesday blog hop. Hope you can stop by. I also entered your giveaway (I'm also doing my first giveaway if you would like to enter).


  4. Hi! Thanks for following Living Healthy on a Budget! I am following you now! Anna S.

  5. Wow that was very touching and I have one of those day's every once in a while to. I think of my past alot as well and even though I tend to remember the not so good times with my mom more than anything, what I do remember of the good times are what I hold on to the most to break away from the sadness I may feel in the moment. You are a great inspiration keep up the blogging =)
    ~ kiearie
