
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extra Giveaway Entries!!

Ok, so I now have a blog Facebook page!
You can receive 2 extra entries per giveaway by becoming a fan on that page, which can be found HERE!
Please comment twice for each giveaway you are participating in, and be sure to include your Facebook Username! Feel free to leave me a little note too!
Sorry about all these late extra entries, I just want you guys to have great chances to win all these awesome prizes!
~Mama of the Littles!


  1. Thanks! I liked you and then commented on the original giveaway post letting you know!

  2. Great Jessica, That is how its done!
    Good luck!

  3. Ok I think I'm following everything now, Hope I've done it right

  4. I follow you via GFC...kandykay68atgmaildotcom
