
Thursday, October 28, 2010

~Thought For Thursday~

Its been a long time since I've actually written a post!! Been too busy concentrating on all the fun with the giveaways! (Hope you all are enjoying them)!
Wanted to write today about cancer! I know! Its a scary word! November 5th marks the day that my father left this earth to be with Jesus, 2 years ago! He had pancreatic cancer! As the date nears me, I find myself thinking about him more and more! I miss him! I would give anything to hug him one more time! I have plenty of pictures and plenty of videos (most that I have not watched yet), but its not the same as him still being here. He was the one I called when I was searching for wisdom and advice. He was the one who always got us motivated to just drop what we were doing and go on a spur of the moment camping trip! I miss those days! Tears well up in my eyes even as I sit and type this out!
We can never go back in time! We hold dear to our memories, and cherish our past! This makes me even more driven and focused on living today, and loving those around us! Lets not take for granted the people that are still here, walking among us. Those we love and adore!
Halloween 2 years ago, we took a family photo on my parent's front porch. It was the last family photo ever taken. Halloween was the last 'holiday' my family ever spent together, as a whole....
It was a sad time for us all. We knew that he was going to pass away!
This picture was taken shortly before my dad passed away. Though he had cancer and knew he was going to die, he was so full of love, compassion, kindness and caring for us! Right up to the last moment. All 4 of us kids (and spouses), and my mom were all by his bedside (he had left the hospital and hospice to come home to spend the rest of his time close to those he loved). He kept assuring us that it was all going to be all right. This is one of my favorite pictures of he and I:
My dad was a faithful believer in Christ! He knew that earth was not his final destination and was convinced that he would be in the presence of Jesus before long! His legacy lives on in each of us... those that knew him!
I love you Dadzola!
All this reminiscing got me wondering how many of you, my faithful blog followers have been affected by cancer? Are any of you cancer survivors? I would love to hear your stories. Please post your comments below!


  1. I love you neighbor ((big hugs))

  2. this is such a beautiful post. It was very difficult when I lost my grandmother to cancer. We were super close. I rest in the fact that she is now in a better place and no longer suffering.

    My Aunt (not blood - my mom's best friend) who i was close to left in about 3 months from Liver cancer. She was not a drinker and it was a total shock. It was such a devastating blow to me and my mom. The fact that she missed out on my kids and my wedding. Its just difficult. and I think about her every day. she too is resting peacefully with our Lord and Savior and that is the only thing that gets me through. Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. Rheanna,
    Thank you for sharing. I believe that by working through your emotions (in this case for me, blogging about it) is all part of the healing process. We are very emotional beings, we were created that way! Just jotting down my thoughts and feelings helps me get through! Thank you for sharing! I totally can relate!
    ~Mama of the Littles~
