
Monday, November 1, 2010

"Babykicks Contest" ~earn extra giveaway entries here~

Want to learn about Babykicks 3g cloth diapers, and help me earn one to give away to one of you?
Sure you do!
Click HERE to go to the Babykicks Test Lab!
Click HERE to watch the "Ease of Use" You Tube video! *note the video will not be launched until sometime today 2 November* so keep checking back!
You can come back here as many times a day as you'd like to click the links and learn some good info and hopfully win us some cool diapers!
~Mama of the Littles~


  1. hmmmm it said the video wasn't available?

    do i need to do anything after i click the links? or is that all?

  2. The video doesn't come out until today (Tuesday).

  3. I couldn't get the video up either! :(

  4. Ok, try the video link now, it should be working!
    Thanks all!

  5. the links/ video are working now :)

  6. Thanks for letting me know Kandy! Keep on clicking gals! Hopefully I can win a babykicks cloth dipe to giveaway to one of you :)

  7. Welcome, Day 2 completed, Can we only visit those sites once a day for you to get "votes" or can we go as many times as we want to help you win?

  8. I think you can do it as many times as you want a day! The contest is over 8 November...
    Thanks for all your help guys! There are only 12 blogs competing so we have a fair chance... and one of you will win a babykicks diaper in an upcoming giveaway!

  9. ok great, I will start checking in through out the day then... Good luck :)

  10. babykicks contest kandyk68atyahoodotcom

  11. I watched both videos... So did my husband... He liked them!
