I am so thankful for so many different things!
I am thankful for my awesome life-mate and am thankful to God for binding us together.
I am thankful for the roof over our heads, and the food in our pantry! I am thankful for the military and thankful that my hubby will be home this year for Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I am thankful for my two little boys that give me so much joy and fill my days with laughter!
I am thankful to be hosting Thanksgiving this year! I am thankful that my mother in law, father in law, step-mother in law, and brother in law will be coming here to my humble abode to share Thanksgiving with us!
I am thankful that we have enough in the bank to purchase all of our Thanksgiving fixins! I am so thankful that my mom is flying in tonight from Oregon to spend a week with our family! It has been 10 long months since I have seen her!
As I type this, I am overwhelmed, and humbled. I do not deserve any of what I have! If you think about it, what we have does not really even belong to us. Our lives here on earth are but a moment in time, compared to the eternity that awaits us!
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, and give thanks! Please won't you take a moment to count your blessings and give thanks to God for the gifts He has given you!
~Mama of the Littles~
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