
Friday, June 3, 2011

Blog Bash 2011 Rules...

Blog Bash 2011 rules
Hi, thanks for taking the time to read the rules for Blog Bash 2011.
Blog Bash 2011 will start on 22 June, 2011 at 12:00 am EST and end 26 June, 2011 at midnight PST

Entries for the prize packs will be taken as comments to the post.
The prize pack will be listed and under that post is where the comments/entries go.
1. The mandatory entry/entries must be completed in order for any other extra entry to count.
2. You must leave your e-mail in each comment so I can contact you if you win!
3. You must be following my blog publicly via Google Friend Connect in order to be entered for any prizes given away on this blog.
4. If you comment stating that you did something (ie: like a sponsor on Facebook/Twitter etc.) you must be honest and really do what you said you did. I will be checking.
5. If you comment about something you did on twitter, leave your @ twitter id. If you comment about something you did on Facebook, leave your Facebook username, and also leave the url link so I can check!
6. If you blog about the giveaway, leave a link so I can check!
*failure to do any of the above mention things can lead to your ineligibility to win. If I draw your name (using and you failed to do anything mentioned above, I will draw another winner.

I will be out of town with no or limited Internet access until 3 July. Winners will be drawn and posted as soon as possible at the close of the giveaway, and I can verify the winning entries. It may take a few days to get things sorted, especially if I don’t have Internet access, but trust me, it will be well worth the wait! Your patience is appreciated!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

Good Luck everyone and Have fun!!
~Mama of the Littles~


  1. Are your giveaways open worldwide? I am a GFC follower and would love to enter some of theses, but want to make sure I am eligible first. Thanks

    lusravesandrants AT gmail dot com
