
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2 more prize packs coming to the raffle #caringforcoen

I am so excited to let you all know that there are two new prize packs being added to the raffle to support Coen and his family.
Not familiar with Coen, you can read more about that awesome boy and his family HERE!

Due to a generous donation, I am going to be adding the following prize packs:
Prize Pack #16
$100.00 cash (paypal deposit)

Prize Pack #17
$100.00 to spend at Happy Baby Company
They are an awesome cloth diapering store out of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania!
They always have free shipping, and the winner of the gc will also receive a 10% off discount code!!

Are you excited?
Please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you'd buy if you won either of these two prizes!!

~Mama of the Littles~


  1. If I won either of those prize packs.. which I would love too... I would stock up on more cloth diapers.. I also need a new diaper pail.. and if it was the $100.. maybe a dinner date with hubs!

    So excited for Cohen and his family

  2. I love, love, LOVE that you are doing this for Coen!! I'm giving you a blog award :) You can swing by Catfish Kisses to pick it up!


  3. Oh my heck that's AWESOME. I'd be getting all the rest of the things I need for CDing. diaper sprayer, pail liners, liners. Baby legs! I also still have a few more diapers on my list. Great prizes. i'm so glad people are contributing!
