
Monday, July 18, 2011

Caring for Coen! On-line raffle sponsor spotlights!!

The list of sponsors for the upcoming online raffle, seems to be growing!
Here are a few more of our awesome, fabulous sponsors!!
A HUGE thank you to our sponsors! I know with all this support, we will have an awesome turn out for this event!
I am making up 'prize packs' for the raffle.
So far there are 13 prize packs!
Once I have gathered all the items for the raffle and secured all the sponsor positions, I will post a list of the items that will be offered!
You won't want to miss out on this. Remember, tickets are only $1.00.
So ideally you could spend one dollar and win an item (such as one of the two boba carriers that will be offered) retailed at $128.00!!
Are you excited now?
I am not offering extra entries for spreading the word, but I sure would be grateful if you all would tweet/share about this upcoming raffle!
You can tweet using "Over a thousand dollars worth of #clothdiapers to be won #win #caringforcoen coming this August @oregongal1"
Thanks all! I really do appreciate all your support!
~Mama of the Littles~

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