
Monday, August 8, 2011

#caringforcoen online raffle extended!

Hey all my wonderful Blog followers!
Just wanted to let you all know that the online raffle for Coen has been extended.
I have thought about this for awhile now and have come to the decision to extend the raffle through the end of the month!
The raffle will now end 30 August at midnight (EST)!
I have done this for two reasons. First, many of you have contacted me showing interest in purchasing tickets but won't get paid until mid-month. So in all fairness, I want to give everyone the opportunity to participate. I also want to have as much time as needed to raise as much money as possible for Laura and her family. I personally put in $100.00 cash, and another anonymous person donated $100.00 (think Happy Baby Company gift card, and $100.00 cash prize packs)! As of right now, we have made $189.10! So as you can see, we have not even broken even!
With a little more time, and some help from you all in advertising, I know we can make this event a success! Please help me by spreading the word!
If you are on twitter, simply tweet “$1400.00 worth of prizes #clothdiapers to #win @oregongal1 for #caringforcoen to include $100.00 cash"
A complete list of the prize packs can be seen HERE!
Thank you for your understanding.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

~Mama of the Littles~


  1. I posted some info on my cloth diapering post today at my blog.. I was wondering.. do you think it would help if you have a button on your sidebar at the top that directed readers right to the caring for coen post?

  2. Perfect! Maybe I can get some more entries in. :)

  3. Thank you guys for all your support!
    ~Mama of the Littles~
    for some reason I can't post on here with my google profile (strange)!!
