
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

West coast here I come???? *fingers crossed*

So my dear sister is due to have her second (and "last" in her own words) baby on 12 October. I am all the way out on the west coast, and she lives in Oregon.
Her first child was born premature and delivered via emergency c-section.
Now, my sister is going to have this little bebe all natural, and at home! LOVE!!
I am dying to get out there to see her.
So, this is just a little heads up that I may be travelling for a few weeks the first week of October. Don't worry, she has Internet... and I will be checking the blog.
I do have some giveaways ending in October, and a few that I need to post. We'll have to play it by ear. And I am also going to be trying some newborn fluff on her little one for the blog too *too much fun*
Her son is almost 2 and I have not even met him yet. It's been almost 3 years since I've been home. The last time I was home was when my father was ill and died of pancreatic cancer, you can read about that here and here. So there are a lot of emotions going on right now. I am thinking I will take the 2 boys with me (prayers are appreciated, for peace and patience and travelling mercies)!
This is all just a tentative plan as of now (still have to get the hubbs to sign off on it) but I just wanted to keep you guys updated!
Have you ever travelled alone with two or more little ones?
~Mama of the Littles~

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww how exciting!!!! Once your sister has the baby then you can travel up this way :) Send "M" my love and pls tell her Congrats for me! Love ya neighbor :)
