
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Newborns AND Cloth" Nifty Nappy Soap Nuts review and Nifty Nappy Sheep-in-a-Jar Lanolizing Potion #9 review and #GIVEAWAY

The talk of the town around here (aside from #clothdiapers) is wool!
Just today I posted a review of Sloomb's wool longies and their fabulous snappless-fitted multi diaper!
But how do you care for that wool?
It's unlike any other item in your cloth diapering stash, but an item I guarantee you will reach for time after time!
Wool needs to be lanolized before it becomes waterproofed!
Nifty Nappy has a great video on their website for lanolizing wool, you can find it here!

Vilate (of Nifty Nappy) recently sent me two of her own products for review. I was sent a 4 oz jar of her liquid Nifty soap nuts and a 4 oz jar of her Sheep-in-a-jar lanolizing potion #9 for review!
This is what I received (sorry about the blurry picture)!
Here are the easy-to-follow instructions for using the liquid Nifty soap nuts:
I washed my Aristocrats wool cover with the liquid Nifty soap nuts and they came out really clean and nice!
Then I lanolized them using the Potion #9!
Here are the instructions for using the Potion #9:
Here is what I did. First put 1 tsp. of the potion #9 in a cup, jar or Pyrex measuring cup:
Then you get a large bowl or other container and fill it with warm (not hot) water!
Then you put really hot water into the measuring cup containing the potion #9:

Stir it up and then stir it into your container of warm water:
Then add your woolies! I usually lanolize my wool covers inside out, so that way the lanolin gets to the inside of the cover, but you can do it either way:
When you add your cover to the mixture you want to be sure to gently squeeze it to ensure the lanolin gets into the fibers of the wool!

This potion is really nice and so easy to use!
You can purchase this "Nifty Nappy Sheep in a jar lanolizing potion #9" from Nifty Nappy's facebook page... retails for $15.00 or you can enter to win one here!
As a sponsor of the Newborns AND Cloth event, Vilate has graciously offered one LWML follower a chance to win a jar of Nifty Nappy Sheep-in-a-Jar Lanolizing Potion #9!!!

To enter, simply use the rafflecopter form below, you may have to click on "read more" to see the rafflecopter entry form!

Good Luck and have fun!
~Mama of the Littles~

Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above in exchange for this review, thanks to Vilate of Nifty Nappy!! No monetary compensation was received by me. This is my completely honest opinion above and may differ from yours.

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