
Monday, May 14, 2012

A Slew of Winners and some important announcements!

Before I announce the winners, I’d like to take a moment to let you all know what is in store here at Life With My Littles. I have a few awesome reviews/giveaways that will be posted this week. After these are completed, I have decided to take a summer sabbatical. I really feel in my heart like I need to concentrate more on family and home life, as it looks like my husband *may* be getting deployed (again) in the fall. Summertime is a very busy time for us here too. We take trips; spend a lot of time outdoors, in the pool and so on! I am looking forward to spending this summer with my family, ‘unplugged.’

What does that mean? Well, I’ll still be checking in periodically via FB and maybe a few blog posts here and there. I just don’t want to get burned out on blogging. It has taken a lot of hard work, time and effort to get this blog to where it is today (thanks to all of you also)!
I have about half a dozen things to review and giveaway but after that, I will be taking a little break from the blog for awhile!
But don't, I’ll be back. The best thing you can do is subscribe to my blog via e-mail (right side bar about half way down) so when I do start things back up, you won’t miss out!

There is still one contest going on right now on my blog. It’s open world-wide and one of you will win a $100 GC to The Tender Tush. She is trying to make it to 1000 FB fans, and last I checked she only needed 9 more likes until I pick a winner! It is a referral contest, so you can ask your FB friends to like her and then claim them as an entry for YOU for your chance to win!

Read more about that contest here!

Also, I’d like to thank you all for voting for me for the Thanks Mama photo contest. I was a runner up and received a $50 GC to Thanks Mama!

Ok, onto the winners!!

Here is a HUGE list of the latest Life With My Littles winners!
The winner of the $20 GC to Baby Belle Bottoms is Amanda A.
The winner of the Imse Vimse swim diaper from Cotton Tail Baby is Amy.
The winner of the two Fuzzi Bunz one size diaper talk diapers and Wahmies wet bag is Bonnye S.
The winner of the $25 GC to Happy Green Baby is Lindsay.
The winner of the package of GroVia Bio liners is Bonnie M.
The winner of the $25 GC to The Tender Tush is Justice M.
The winner of the Rumparooz G2 diaper and extra hemp/bamboo insert is Beth R.
The winner of the $15 GC to Earthy Crunchy Mama is Jessica P.
The winner of the $15 GC to Abby’s Lane is Kristi R.
The winner of the Earth Mama Angel Baby “Mama Bottom Balm” is Angelique K.
The winner of the bag of Rockin Green soap is Chris D.
The winner of the set of 3 Wooly Rounds felted dryer balls is Rachel G.
The winner of the Sprig Soarin’ Sea plane is Beth C.
The winner of the bag of Nellie’s all natural laundry soda is Nikole.
The winner of the Applecheeks swim diaper is Antonia T.
The winner of the diaper of choice (giveaway sponsored by me) BG Freetime in Albert OR the BG 4.0 in grasshopper is Beth R.
The winner of the $15 GC to Cloth Diapers Inc is Joanne B.

A HUGE thank you to our most awesome sponsors and thanks to all of you for reading my blog and entering to win these awesome prizes!

Winners have been e-mailed and have 48 hours to claim their prize(s) before another winner is picked!

~Mama of the Littles

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to everyone that won!

    and YAY for more family time! Enjoy beings unplugged and enjoy that hubby while he is still home! I know I am enjoying mine!
