
Friday, December 7, 2012

How you can make a difference in the lives of others... donate your used, non-functioning #CLOTHDIAPERS to a family in need!!

How many of you have cloth diapers that you no longer use, need or want? Stained, broken, pilly, it does not matter! YOU can donate those diapers to All Things Diapers who in turn will (repair them if needed) and give them to families in need!
All Things Diapers is located in Blaine, MN, and has been donating cloth diapers for about a year now and has given diapers to over 100 families! If you have diapers that you no longer need, or want (in working order or not), simply send them to:
All Things Diapers
12064 Central Ave NE
Blaine, MN

I think this is a great way to pay it forward, especially this time of year!
Let's put cloth in the hands of those in need!

Merry CHRISTmas!!!
~Mama of the Littles~


  1. Oh thank you! I've been wondering what to do with a few diapers that have seen better days. I'm guessing delamination is ok too? I'm so very glad you posted this!

  2. I love All Things Diapers! I go there whenever I head out that way. That's even where I go for the GCDC. The owners are wonderful! And I love that they have a play area to keep Maggie busy while I am browsing.
