
Monday, August 5, 2013

#NBFluffNStuff Boba 3G soft structured carrier review and #GIVEAWAY {US only}

I'm really enjoying wearing my little girl! I LOVE that she is so close to me and that I have my hands free to chase my rambunctious boys around! I was sent a Boba 3G carrier in Kangaroo print to review! This is what I received:

Front of the carrier (this side faces outward when wearing your baby), notice the removable/adjustable foot straps at the bottom.

Look at this print! It's adorable. Kangaroos naturally wear/carry their babies and I think this image reflects just how natural and intimate baby wearing really is!

The hood (which is used when your baby is sleeping)! It helps protect their head from the elements and also provides additional head support. Read more on how to use the hood here!
When not in use, the hood simply rolls up and is stored:

The inside of the carrier. This is the part of the carrier that faces your baby:
The adjustable/removable foot straps. The foot straps are to be used when your baby is 1 to 1.5 years old. It is designed to keep your child properly seated in the frog position/seated position to avoid hip dysplasia. The child's food needs to be parallel to the ground when using the foot straps. More information on how to use the foot straps can be found here!

The biggest differences (in my opinion) between the Boba carrier and the other's I've used is that the Boba can be used on it's own with a newborn baby, without an additional insert. Also the foot straps!

Boba Carrier 3G Footstraps
Starting around a year and a half or when your child hits two his/her legs will probably be long enough to use the straps. They are used much like stirrups except they may be adjusted using the different snap settings to fit your child’s feet. The important thing to remember is that your child’s feet should be parallel to the ground, and your child’s knee should be pulled up to at least his/her hip level and then the snaps should be adjusted accordingly.
If the straps need to be adjusted, follow these few easy steps to ensure a comfortable ride:
  • Thread the strap through the plastic sliding piece and snap so that your child’s thighs are at least parallel to the ground. Please note that a minimum of two engaged snaps are needed for proper function.
  • The foot straps may be moved from front to back by sliding the plastic attachment piece along the cording as needed.
Feet should be parallel to the ground and the knee should be pulled up to at least hip level. The boy in the photo above is not in the proper position as his feet are pointed downwards. This could be resolved by tightening the strap. Adjusting the sliding rail so that it is closer to the wearer’s abdomen would also help bring his knees up to hip level.
Begin using the foot straps when your child’s legs extend past the waist belt. Foot straps may be easily removed when not in use – simply release the snaps and slide the strap through the plastic adjustment piece completely.
Foot straps may be added at any time by pulling the snaps through the plastic adjustment piece, adjusting to the necessary size and securing a minimum of two snaps.
Important! Please remember to undo the snaps and first take your little one’s feet out of the footstraps before taking him/her out of the carrier.

Note: the foot strap sliding buckle may be difficult to adjust with brand new carriers. If so, use two hands until the straps break in a bit.
 A convenient pocket, perfect for your keys, phone or pacifier:

On the Boba website, you'll find informative information on how to properly use your Boba carrier. There are pages containing the baby carrier instructions, the newborn hold, the back carry and the front carry.

Here is some more information on the Boba 3G (information taken from Boba's website):

Boba Carrier 3G

The Boba Carrier 3G includes more than a dozen features making this carrier truly one of a kind! Ideal for babies and toddlers alike, the Boba Carrier may be converted to a newborn carrier without an infant insert or any additional items and used well into toddlerhood. Our ergonomic design, patent-pending foot straps, and multiple adjustments make this carrier the perfect fit for your entire family.

Also be sure to check out the Boba Wrap. It’s the perfect baby wrap for the active parent. You can also find instruction on how to properly use all of our babywearing gear by visiting our instructional page.
Description of the 3G:
The Boba Carrier 3G includes more than a dozen features making this carrier truly one of a kind! Ideal for babies and toddlers alike, the Boba Carrier may be converted to a newborn carrier without an infant insert or any additional items and used well into toddlerhood. The carrier can be used from 7-45lbs. Our ergonomic design, patent-pending foot straps, and multiple adjustments make this carrier the perfect fit for your entire family.
Benefits of the Boba 3G:
Boba is a Soft Structured Carrier (SSC) that is intended for babies and children between 7-45lbs. Boba offers several innovative features not seen on other carriers:

The foot straps attached to the waist belt keep older children comfortable while enabling a healthy sitting position. The footstraps not only give tired little legs a rest, but support the legs in a flexed abducted (froglike) position which naturally tilts the pelvis, fills out the hip sockets and aligns the spine.

The new infant conversion option allows you to use the Boba Carrier 3G with babies over 7lbs. The best part is that there is absolutely no insert or accessory needed! Simply follow the instruction booklet included with your Boba Carrier to learn how to use the new Boba Carrier 3G for your newborn.

Boba has a few extra inches of height to keep your center of gravity closer to your body and support your little one’s back. The Boba Carrier 3G is approximately 2-3”  higher than other soft structured carriers.

The new 3G design is made to fit parents of all shapes and sizes without purchasing an extension belt or accessory. All straps are fully adjustable, and elastic bands are provided so you can comfortably tuck the straps away once you have the carrier adjusted for you and your child.

Obviously for me, I use the Boba 3G with the newborn hold. There is an excellent video on Youtube HERE that you can watch (which I did) to give you a visual step-by-step instructional guide on how to properly wear your newborn!
It's important to note that when wearing your newborn (babies weighing 7-15 lbs) there are two adjustments to your carrier that you need to make!
1. Snap the snaps on both sides of the warning label which shortens the length of the body of the carrier to accommodate a tiny baby.
2. Turn over and re-thread the waist belt buckles in order to prevent twisted webbing when using the newborn hold.
Complete step-by-step instructions on how to use the Boba with your newborn can be found HERE!
My baby girl LOVES being worn in the Boba! She never cries and is always so content in the carrier. This carrier is so great because it is so versatile! You can use it with a tiny 7 lb baby up to a 45 lb child. My 5 yo is only just over 40 lbs! I've worn him and his 3 yo 30 lb brother on my back in the Boba and they both love it as well. When we are out and about at the zoo or on a trip that requires a lot of walking, we normally have two carriers with us. We wear the baby, and then usually one of the boys (normally my 3 yo) gets tired of walking and actually asks to be worn! I love it!
Another great thing about most carriers is that you can discreetly breastfeed your baby while wearing them, a skill I am still working on! 
As you can see from these pictures, my little girl LOVES her Boba!!

As a sponsor for this event, the generous folks over at Boba are giving away a soft structured carrier of winner's choice to one of you (subject to what's in stock)! 
This giveaway is open to US residents only!   
To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below! You may have to click "read more" in order for the whole Rafflecopter form to load!
Good luck and Have fun!
~Mama of the Littles~

Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above in exchange for my review. This review is my honest opinion based on my own personal experience, and may differ from yours. I did not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for this review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a wonderful giveaway! Expecting #3 in a couple of months! I've only ever used the Baby Bjorn, yack! It's uncomfortable!

  2. I still can not see any gfc button on the left???

    1. Its at the top under her picture.

    2. Also, GFC = Google Friend Connect

    3. Thanks... didn't see the comments until now! Thanks for answering! :)

  3. I get so excited for these! We have a cheap baby carrier from target and would love for a more comfortable one:)

  4. Would love to have this for my second baby!

  5. Would love to have this for my second baby!
