
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another clothdiaper giveway!! 7 winners and one of the prizes is a Bumgenius Freetime in Jules print!!

We are having another giveaway event over in the Bumgenius cloth diapers b/s/t and chat group that I co-admin!!
I'd love for you all to join the page and enter to win!!

1. A Bumgenius freetime cloth diaper in JULES print {US/Canada}

2. An 8x10 nursery wall art from "The Laughing Goose" {US/Canada}
3. A package of 100 biodegradable/flushable diaper liners {US only}
4. A pair of gently used girlie baby legs {US only}
5. 1 bottle each of booty cleansing spray and one of booty balm {US only}
6. A Babee Greens size small cashmere diaper cover {US only}
7. A NIP pair of girlie babylegs {US only}
8. a $20 GC to Rump A Dump Diapers {US/Canada}

To enter, simply fill out the rafflecopter form below!
Good luck and have fun!

~Mama of the littles~

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Would love a Jules to start my pattern collection for my 2 little bums.

  2. I was so bummed I missed out on buying Jules. I didn't realize it was limited edition and would sell out so fast! I thought I had time...Anyway, thanks!

  3. I love all the Jules Patterns! But I have a boy and cant get a few colors. lol

  4. Ah! Love Jules, great giveaway, and LOVE this blog! Thank you awesome mama!

  5. So thrilled to see this giveaway I want the joules so badly for my baby GIRL. Lol

  6. Stoooooked!! It'd be my first Freetime, too! :D

  7. Flushable liners! Shut my mouth that's cool!
