
Thursday, June 16, 2011

All About Baby *and Mama too* Blog Bash Sponsor Spotlight: Sloomb/Sustainablebabyish!!

I have to admit, I really, really, really LOVE wool! I love that I can put my boys down to bed in a fitted diaper with a wool cover and rest assured that they will wake up happy and dry in the morning!
I recently reviewed a knit wool cover from Sloomb (aka Sustainablelabyish). You can read that review here!
Erin, at Sloomb sent me a size XL organic bamboo fleece fitted diaper, and a pair of knit wool longies in peacoat for review.
This is what I received:

I LOVE these longies, and the fitted diaper too! I accidentally ordered the wrong size fitted diaper, so I had to return it for an exchange (which was hassle-free by the way)! So for the purpose of this review, I will be reviewing the Sloomb organic bamboo fleece fitted diaper that I already owned!
Here it is:
This is the same diaper as the one I received for review, the only difference is the size. I ordered an XL and the one pictured above is a large!
The organic bamboo fleece fitted diaper comes in 3 parts:
The diaper itself (middle) a snap-n soaker (left) and a 3-layer bamboo fleece doubler (right)!
The snap-in soaker is so easy to use... simply snap it onto the diaper:
The 3-layer bamboo fleece doubler can be laid on top of the snap in soaker for added absorbency:
I like to fold the doubler in half and place it near the front of the diaper... after all, I do have boys:
This diaper is ready to be put on your baby!
Once the diaper is on, it will need a cover of some sort because it is not waterproofed!
I used the size large fitted diaper on my 1 yo son:

Paired with the knit longies (pictured above):
*as you can see they are a bit long on him... but isn't he just so stinkin' cute??

What an awesome pair! The knit longies are so super soft and they really wear well and wash up great! In fact, after washing and lanolizing them and letting them dry, they felt as if they were brand new.... so soft! Not sure how to prep your wool before use? No worries! Sloomb's website and Facebook page is choc-full of information regarding how to care for your wool! HERE is a tutorial from the Sloomb website detailing how to lanolize sustainablebabyish wool! You can find a bunch of other great tutorials HERE (including how to use their snapless multi fitted cloth diaper)!
I love knowing that this soft wool is against my baby's skin at night!
I must admit that the fitted diapers and wool covers by Sloomb are perfectly perfect!
They make such an awesome overnight cloth diapering solution for us.

All About Baby Blog Bash
As a sponsor for All About Baby *And Mama Too* Blog Bash, Sloomb is giving away a snapless-multi starter kit!! This kit comes with the following:
2- snapless-multi fitteds (in boy or girl colors)
1-3 pack organic bamboo fleece doublers
1-knit wool diaper cover OR 1-pair of knit wool longies OR 1-pair of underwoolies!!
A retail value of $71.95!!!

Look for this month! Blog Bash 2011 runs from June 22-26th
~Mama of the Littles~