
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#GIVEAWAY Gen-Y wet/dry bag, Bag of Eco Sprout cloth diaper detergent and Bottom Balm ends 26 July, 2013

There is a giveaway and a referral contest over at Dirty Diaper Laundry in order to celebrate Kim's online cloth diaper database (which is pure awesomeness)!

I cannot promise anything to you to help me win the referral contest, but if I do win, we will be having an online celebration <3
Wether or not I win, I will be having an Online Pay it Forward party on the blog! I have a bunch of things lying around here that need to find new homes. Some new in package others used! It will be fun!

There are only two days left for you to enter to win!
The prizes:
1. Gen-Y wet/dry go bag
2. A bag of Ecosprout detergent and bottom balm

Just go HERE and follow the instructions on the image above and put my name "Angela Heffner" as the person that referred you!

Thanks so much in advance!

~Mama of the Littles~

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