
Monday, July 22, 2013

#NBFluffNStuff Rockin Green Auto Dish Detergent review and #GIVEAWAY {US only}

I bet your asking yourself what does dish detergent have to do with babies and cloth diapers? No, I'm not going to suggest you wash your cloth diapers in the dishwasher (although I have heard of people doing this, to 'sanitize' them) but rest assured if you try it, you will melt the PUL on your diapers and render them useless!
My little girl LOVES her little pacifier. My boys (ages 3 and 4) love their 'big boy' glasses to drink from, and eventually *sigh* I know my little girl will be old enough to drink from a sippy cup. All of which go into the dishwasher to get cleaned. In our house, we run the dish washer at least once a day! That being said, I am very conscious about what kind of soap I use (not only for my cloth diapers but all the soap in our home)! When I read that Rockin Green had come out with an auto dish detergent I know I had to try it! So I applied to review it and was accepted.
This is what I received:


The detergent is a light white powder!

My dishwasher full of dirties: 
 A close up view for you:
 Directions state to add 1-2 Tablespoons to main dispenser (I used 1.5 because I have hard water):
The end result:

Notice in the pictures above that the dried on food that was on the plates to the right and the casserole dish to the back left is totally gone!!

I love this detergent. Here is why. My dishes come out clean every time. There is no film or any residue left. What's best is that it's made with all natural products and is non-toxic!

Here is the product description (taken from Rockin Green's Website):

Product Description

Our newest member of the Rockin' Green lineup is designed to take the frustration and guess work out of washing dishes. Our specially designed formula works in the harshest of water condition, so there's no need for added boosters or rinse aids. 50 loads per bag.
Grunge Core Technology: Let's face it, having to do the dishes sucks. Especially if you have to pre-rinse every dish by hand and then use an additional booster to get them sort of clean. Our grunge core technology targets your problem areas- be it baked on bologna or hard water headaches, we have you covered. Natural, fresh lemon scent. Same great eco-friendly qualities you trust from Rockin' Green!
  • Dye free
  • No Fillers
  • Cleans and protects
  • Eliminates unsightly water spots
  • No need to pre-rinse
  • Natural scrubbing agents
  • Non Toxic
  • Tackles burnt on food
  • Phosphate free
  • Easy rinsing formula
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Prevents mineral buildup
  • No cloudy film
  • Etch protection
  • Vegan & Gluten Free
  • Biodegradable
  • Naturally scented
  • Excellent in hard water - no need for boosters or rinse aids!

Most of you know that I am a Rockin Green groupie! I LOVE their laundry detergent and in my area have VERY hard water. I use Hard Rock and it really makes my cloth diapers look brand new!!

You can purchase the 1.5 lb bag of dish detergent directly from Rockin Green's website for $15.95, which will last for 50 loads of dishes.... or you can enter to win a bag here!

As a sponsor of this event, Rockin Green Soap has generously offered to give away a 1.5 lb bag of their auto dish detergent to one of you!!

This giveaway is open to US residents only!!! 
To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below! You may have to click "read more" in order for the whole Rafflecopter form to load!
Good luck and Have fun!
~Mama of the Littles~

Disclosure: I received the product(s) mentioned above in exchange for my review. This review is my honest opinion based on my own personal experience, and may differ from yours. I did not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for this review!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am so hating my dishwasher currently... want to try this!!

  2. Great before and after pics. So glad you are enjoying our new dishwasher detergent!

  3. I just noticed I spelled my name wrong for a few of the Facebook entries. I entered Trace instead of Tracie. :( baby kept me up too late

    1. It's ok Tracie, I'll make note of that :)

    2. Thanks! It may be that way for the Onya carrier too.

  4. I cannont find your Google friend connect :/

    1. Jen on the top left there is a little blue button that says 'join this site' and underneath 'with Google friend connect' just click on that!
